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Adobe Presenter and Captivate

I have had the opportunity to use a variety of different programs including Adobe products InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Connect, Acrobat, Captivate and Presenter. Copyright, or ownership, of some of the following samples are to my publishing company, Phronesis Publishing. Others are the property of organizations for whom I worked either as a contractor or employee. I have also used Camtasia and SnagIt to create quick software tutorials for staff. The samples below highlighted Adobe Presenter 7 and Addobe Captivate 8 and 9.

Sample Recorded Webinar using Adobe Presenter

The following are screenshots of a webinar that I recorded later as a module due to connectivity problems. The course one of a series for families in the Wellness Walk Coaching Program related to person-centered strategies, thinking, and planning. 

screenshot of Adobe Presenter activity

The module includes voice recording as well as activity downloads for the learner.  Below is a screenshot of a slide with a handout download included. Users can click directly on the link to download the handout.  Users can also download the files at any time by clicking on the "paper clip" icon, highlighted with the red arrow in this screenshot..

What is missing from this module is closed captioning or a text script. Presenter allows for a Notes tab that includes the script. 

You are welcome to view the full module here. 

Sample Captivate on-line Module with Quiz

The Homecare Choice Program is one of the services provided by the Oregon Home Care Commission. I created an on-demand Captivate Orientation for the program. The activity takes approximately 60 minutes and includes embedded videos (from YouTube) and a quiz throughout the activity. Quiz answers shuffle each time the activity is launched. Workers must pass with a score of 70% to be eligible for the program. 

I posted the orientation is hosted on a website with Moodle, a learning management application, that captures scores in a gradebook.

Moodle Course Entry
Opening Captivate Page
Sample Embedded YouTube Video
Sample Quiz Screen
Sample Captivate "Drag and Drop" Activity
A fun new tool in Adobe Captivate is called, "drag and drop." This activity was not used in the orientation, however, we all found it a good challenge. Give it a try here.   (You will receive a message that says your results won't be recorded correctly. Click Ok to complete the activity. I don't need your score - I know you can pass it.) 

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